Ever wondered what it takes to design profitable trading strategies that can even win trading competitions?
In Part 3 of my chat with trading champion Kevin Davey, Kevin shares his approach to winning a trading competition, and how this relates to all traders, including strategy design, overcoming setbacks, and success and luck in the trading.
Here’s just a taste of the nuggets of wisdom Kevin shares in our chat:
- Championship Strategies: Dive into the tactics Kevin used to win the Robbins World Cup Trading Championship.
- Crafting Robust Trading Systems: Uncover the art and science behind developing trading systems that deliver results.
- Balancing Skill and Luck: Kevin sheds light on how luck influences trading outcomes and the importance of skillful decision-making.
- Resilience in Trading: Learn how to set achievable goals and effectively recover from trading downturns.
- Essentials of Back Testing: Find out why Kevin emphasizes the power of back testing in creating trading strategies.
- And much more!
Click here to check out the BST YouTube channel for more great trading content.